Blessed are the flexible ...for they shall not be bent out of shape.

Yoga is one of the most integrated, simple,
and effective techniques for gaining control of your life.
"Yoga", which comes from the Sanskrit word yui meaning "union,"
originated in India more than 5,000 years ago.
There are many forms of yoga, but in general, yoga focuses on
breathing techniques (pranayama), postures (asanas) and meditation (dhyana).
It can be very spiritual, linking the mind, body and spirit.
It helps us achieve physical health, psychological well being and spiritual peace.
Yoga will help you manage stress, improve muscle tone and flexibility.
Yoga is truly a gift you give to yourself.
It is my hope to share and guide you on a journey of mind, body, and spirit
and in doing so empower you towards health and balance.
klassieyoga offers peace, love, light, and encouragement for all who join us.
“The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in."