Blessed are the flexible ...for they shall not be bent out of shape.

Mudra means “seal,” “gesture,” or “mark.”
A "mudra" is a position of the hands (gestures practiced with the hands and fingers) during meditation and chanting.
The various mudras are said to have symbolic and/or energetic qualities.
They facilitate the flow of energy in the subtle body and enhance one’s journey within.
Add something new to your practice......discover just a few Mudras below.

Anjali Mudra - (ON-jol-ly MOO-drah)
The Anjali mudra is used as a salutation or greeting such namaste. A gesture of reverence, benediction, saluation. (From anj "to honor, celebrate")
Hands are held together in prayer fashion directly over the heart/chest.

Jnana Mudra - (GN-yaa-na MOO-drah)
The jnana mudra connects us to our higher Self, lifts dull energy, creates a more receptive state, calms the mind and brightens our overall mood.
Rest your hands on top of your thighs with your palms open. Gently tuck the tip of the index finger under the tip of the thumb, keeping the remaining three fingers lightly extended. Relax the back of the hands on top of the thighs, with the palms facing upward.

Dhyana Mudra - (Di-yaa-na MOO-drah)
The dyana mudra cools the mind. It indicates the perfect balance of thought, rest of the senses, and tranquillity.
The two hands formed into a bowl shape show that we are inwardly free, pure, and empty in order to receive everything that we need on our spiritual path.
Place both of your hands in your lap. Hands should form the shape of bowls.Left hand should in the right hand and both thumbs should touch each other.

Padma Mudra - (PAA-d-ma MOO-drah)
The padma mudra is used to inspire purity and perseverance by representing the lotus flower floating above the muddy waters of desire, fear, and attachment. Reminds you of the natural beauty of your soul. Calms the mind
Bring your hands softly into Anjali Mudra in front of the heart center.
Slowly unfurl your hands like a lotus flower blossoming open. Keep the base of the together, along with the thumbs and little fingers. Allow the index, middle, and ring fingers to gently open.