Blessed are the flexible ...for they shall not be bent out of shape.

Practicing yoga in a shared space can be a beautiful time of community. To keep everyone’s experience as fulfilling as possible, please keep in mind a few points of etiquette that will help keep the space sacred and maximize our time together.
Arrive to class on time
Please plan to arrive to class prior to the start (I suggest 10 minutes) to include time for putting belongings away, using the restroom or changing clothes, signing in, laying a mat down, gathering props and speaking with the teacher if necessary.
Late Arrival
I understand there are times when delays happens but our time together is short. In order to ensure a focused practice the doors will be closed once class begins and there will be no admittance for latecomers.
Missed Classes
If class is cancelled by the instructor or the venue a make-up class will be added to the end of the session. If you miss a class there is no adding or switching to another time to make up your class. You may only attend the class you signed up for.
Silence your cell phone
Turn your cell phone off entirely before the start of class. Phones on vibrate are frequently heard buzzing during savasana or moments without music during class.
What to wear
The most important thing is to wear clothes that allow you to move freely and comfortably.
Remove shoes before entering
Feet and shoes are farthest from the heavens, and in constant contact with the dirt of the earth. By removing your shoes the floor is free from outside dirt thus creating a sacred space where we can put our belongings and bodies on the floor confidently.
Refrain from talking once you enter the class
Yoga is a time to meditate and go inside. Talking to your neighbors can disrupt from that experience for the other participants in class and make it hard to hear the teacher. If you have a concern that the teacher should know about while the class is in session quietly motion to the teacher and she will come to you.
The Zen Chime will be used to honor the beginning and end of class. The vibration is a way to draw within. You will also hear the chime if it’s time to become silent.
A yoga mat is required for class. I encourage using straps, blocks, blankets and eye pillows with your practice. Props are not a crutch but a way to enhance your practice and allow you to deepen as you cultivate your mind body connection.
All props are available for purchase.
Share any physical, emotional, or spiritual experiences with the teachers
It’s important to feel supported during your practice and your process. If you have any injuries or pregnancies that I need to know about, please make them clear to me so I can help you modify your practice.
Respect your body
Feeling dizzy or nauseous? Or just need to pause from asana. If you need a break, it is ok to sit until you’ve regained your composure. It is best to sit and recover in the room so you don’t surprise your body while it’s trying to balance itself. Take child’s pose or savasana at any time during your practice.
Please refrain from wearing perfume, cologne or heavily scented lotions to class. Many people have chemical sensitivities to fragrance. Also, if you smoke, please don’t smoke for several hours prior to class. The smell of cigarettes is very powerful and lingering.
Stay hydrated
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to ensure proper hydration before beginning class. It is recommended to avoid eating a large meal at least 2 hours before class.
Do not leave during Savasana (Final Relaxation)
This is disruptive to those who are still and silent. If you must leave early, please inform the teacher before class that you need to leave early, then make sure you allow enough time to put your belongings away and to be out the door before the start of the group Savasana.
After class
Be mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions once class is over. Class may have ended, but every moment is an opportunity to practice peace, compassion, and the offering of support and uplifting actions.
Respectfully pack up your belongings and exit class quietly.
I am here to honor you. Please call, email or text me any time with questions, comments, concerns and suggestions.
Namaste – Lisa-Marie